Month: January 2011

  • Captured My Heart Once Again

    We hike the narrow, twisting mile to the lake - my lips are silent by my heart is seeking Him, it's quiet outside and I am listening, pondering... blessed & thankful for:

    #226 Beautiful music that makes my heart sing and inspires

    #227 The light He sheds on my path and that I am not alone in the darkness

    #228 The privilege of walking in the narrow way each day

    #229 His whispered words that all I need is to take one step at a time on the upward way
     and that He will lead me moment by moment


    #230 The rushing water which reminds me of Your Spirit and grace poured out in abundance

    #231 Red berries like little drops that tell me that it was your blood that was poured out just for me

    #232 Your gentle reminders not to make assumptions because how can I truly know what is in the heart of another but rather to seek to understand

    #233 For the truth that life lived to serve others and make them happy is really living

    #234 The ability to capture moments in time in picture, words and my heart

    #235 That tears are a language that God understands

    #236 That I am loved and get to share my life with the wonderful man I am married to

    #237 Surely I have tasted and seen that God is so good - He has captured my  heart once again.

  • Weekends Are For Pondering Anew...

    Do you realize that you disappoint God when you place a low estimate upon yourself?  When you are negative about yourself, say you don't care...think that you don't matter...Have you ever thought about that?

    It is His greatest desire that you realize your true value - the value the value that He has placed upon you because of the high price He paid for you...His very own life...can you imagine that...someone who would value you so much that they would give all for you...yes, for you....ponder it...

    God desires you, to know you, to love you, to have fellowship with you...otherwise he would not have paid such an expensive price to redeem you.  This is not just anyone....this is the God of the universe who desires to walk with you....The Almighty God and you....intimate friends....this just amazes me...

    God desires to use you.  He has a special purpose for your life...a purpose that only you can fill because of the unique way He has created are you content to just drift through your days, or are you seeking His purpose or you...the special God designed plan that he has for you?

    He is just waiting for you to ask Him for big things - big things that would bring glory to Him.  God wants to use you - He trusts you, He has confidence in you...He's there to guide and empower through you to change lives forever. 

    Surely we can expect big things as we put our faith in His promises!  And surely as our loving Father He delights in giving us what He has promised even more than we delight in giving good things to those we love and are dear to us.

    Weekends are for pondering and realizing anew the true meaning of life...I guess I am just standing in awe of who He is and how much He loves us.

  • Walking Confidently

    I haven't been here in a regular and consistent way for a while and I have missed being here...missed the friendship, encouragement and the inspiration that you each bring to my life...and how much I will be able to be back again I really don't has been rather intense lately. 

    By His grace we made it thorough another year and with Him by our sides, against all odds we walk confidently into this new year knowing that He is in control of our lives...we are learning to trust Him in new and deeper ways than every before and He has been so faithful to us, giving us peace in the midst of every storm, holding us in the hollow of His hand.

    Surely He has gone before us, He has been with us and not failed us or forsaken us.  Because of He is with us we do not need to be afraid or discouraged. (Paraphrase of Deut 31:8)

    More endless gifts and thankfulness today...

    #211  Whispy white winter clouds in blue sunny skies

    #212  Steam softly rising

    #214  Sunlight sparkling dewdrops on little blades of green hope

    #215  Tall sturdy fir trees that remind me to look up

    #216  Soft morning light filtering through branches

    #217  Redemption - His love still amazes me

    #218  Grace and peace that flow endlessly healing me

    #219  Rest when I am weary

    #220  Arms around me

    #221  Sabbath worship

    #222  The blessed hope that burns within our hearts

    #223  Family, faith and fellowship

    #224  The love of my life, a man of faith and courage

    #225  The reminder that each new day of life is gift